Learn how to play chess online

So you have decided to come to our page and want to learn how to play chess online?

This is great! The excellent game of chess has been around for about 1500 years and it originated in India, to later on be passed on trough Asia and also trough Europe.

The best way to learn how to play chess will be presented here.

1 – RookieRook.com – Who are we?

What about us? What is RookieRook? Our website is created for the people who has little to no experience at all with chess. We have gathered lots of simple texts explaining the very basics of the game, so you get to learn how the pieces move and what the rules of the game are. But if you want to learn even more, we also have updated our website to show you some tactics that’s popular around the world, which you can use against your friends and family at any given time.
You could learn how to do a check mate in just 4 moves and surprise everyone around you.

When you feel confident enough you can take your skills to the test and sign up on chess.com.

2 – Play Chess Online for free at Chess.com

The best website to start learning chess by playing, playing online with opponents of your level analyse your games with computer analysis feature. In this analysis feature you can see what kind of blunders you have made, what textbook plays you made and if you missed the chance of checkmating your opponent. This website provides absolutely everything from learning from scratch to becoming a master. Their video tutorials on opening theory, middle game tactics, end game play, pawn structures, piece activity etc provide a good insight on how to maximize your play. We are using lots of information brought to you by Chess.com and you will see why in a second:

3 – Watching youtube videos and streams on Twitch.tv

The following youtube channels are famous for their analysis on games of various grandmasters. Matches that were recorded 100 years ago etc where they are presenting all the beautiful matches that has been played in this world so far.

Some of the most popular streamers out there today are:
GM Hikaru, Gotham chess and Erik Rosen.

Apart from showing historic games from either world championships or just simply great games at certain events, they are also interacting with their community around them. Being a subscriber, you have the option to challenge any of these chess players, your match will be watched by thousands of people and they will use the game in order to educate the player they faced and also the entire community that’s watching.

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